Aqua-Scope Controller
The Aqua-Scope Controller is the core piece of the Water Leakage Protection System. It serves multiple purposes:
- WiFi – Connection
- LoRa Gateway
- Connection to Water Pressure Sensor
- Connection to external Water Sensor Pad
- Sensor Data processing
First and foremost the Aqua-Scope Controller is the central control entity of the whole Aqua-Scope Water Leakage Protection System. It allows to attach wired sensor and it will communicate with different wireless sensors in the home.
Using its WiFi capabilities it will communicate with Aqua-Scopes Cloud Service reporting the status and allowing remote control of the Motor Servo also controlled by the device.
For more information such as data sheet or manuals please refer to our Download Section in the Support Area. If you want to test of buy the Aqua-Scope controller please visit our Buy Section.

The Aqua-Scope Controller is powered by a conventional USB power supply. Hence, a 110/230 V power outlet is needed to power the device. The controller shall be installed in proximity of a stop valve, since the water pressure sensor needs to be installed between (any) stop valve in the home and the connecting metal hose. Stop valves are always found below sinks and in some cases on toilets as shown in the drawing.
Water Pressure Sensor

The Water Pressue Sensor is connected by cable to the Aqua-Scope Controller to form a Water Leakage Protection System. It must be in contact to the cold water supply in order to measure the pressure and the pressure waves. Pressure waves are analyzed to detect water flood, water flow anomalies and water leaks
- Connection to Water Pipe: 1/4 inch (G1/4)
- Pressure Range: 0 … 10 MPa (0 … 10 bar)
- Acceptable Over Pressure: 20 MPa
- ADC Resolution: 16 bit
- Sample Frequency: 1000 Hz ( one sample every 1 ms)
- Temperature Range: 14℉(-10℃)…120℉(+50℃)
- Water Proof: IP 65
External Sensor Pad
- second probe fits even in difficult positions
- 5ft (150cm) cable length
- pad height is less than 6 mm
- sensing pins on both sides, works regardless of position
- 3.5 mm water proof jack
Wireless Connectivity
Controlled by Mobile Apps